Yes, that’s right. There’s a day for everything now, but to me, any day is a good day to celebrate watermelon! Since it’s the middle of summer, and because my mint is just out of control, I decided to make Watermelon Mint Popsicles. YUM.
Here are the ingredients:
1 seedless watermelon
1 sprig of mint
1 lime
honey to taste
(It really is this simple!)

STEP 1: Cut up the watermelon into 2-3 inch pieces.

STEP 2: Chop mint into tiny pieces. Roll around the lime to release the juices and cut in half.

STEP 3: Dump watermelon and mint into the blender, and squeeze in honey and lime. Blend.

STEP 4: Pour mixture into ice pop mold.

STEP 5: Freeze.


If you decide to make these, let us know how they turn out. You can also tag us on Instagram (@BurpeeHG) to show us photos!