Gardener Of The Month: November 2019
Burpee Edible Gardening Team Members
The Practical Gardener - @miss_kenpo_julie
What inspired you to start gardening?
An orange tree. It’s that simple. There was an old orange tree in the backyard of my parents’ house since....
Think outside the pumpkin
Tiffany Heater Account Manager | Burpee
It’s October and while it’s totally okay to have pumpkin spice everything now, there are a lot of beautiful options for fall decorating besides your standard jack-o-lantern. I love a good....
Orange means oh, so nutritious!
Burpee Edible Gardening Team Members
Carrots, Pumpkins, Sqaush, and Sweet Potatoes. What do they all have in common? Their color! Orange vegetables have the distinction of containing carotenes, which contribute to plant photosynthesis....