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Jun 3, 2016
Eating healthy from the garden
Burpee  Edible Gardening Team Members
It's National Donut Day? Yikes! You’ll need to grow and eat your veggies if you want to combat any habits like that! Experts say a diet high in antioxidants can not only keep your body in top shape,....

May 18, 2012
5 Tips for Growing Tomatoes
Burpee  Edible Gardening Team Members
Tomatoes are a great addition to any garden, big or small. They not only offer a vibrant pop of red, they provide important vitamins, like vitamin C and lycopene, which boost your immunity and help....

Jul 9, 2010
Orange means oh, so nutritious!
Burpee  Edible Gardening Team Members
Carrots, Pumpkins, Sqaush, and Sweet Potatoes. What do they all have in common? Their color! Orange vegetables have the distinction of containing carotenes, which contribute to plant photosynthesis....

Mar 19, 2010
Seeing red is a good thing
Burpee  Edible Gardening Team Members
As vegetables grow, ripen and prepare for picking, gardeners begin to pay close attention to color. Not only will particular colors tell you when it’s time to harvest, they’re also a great....