Cabbage plants should be planted 8 inches apart. Prior to planting, work 2 - 4 inches of compost or humus into the soil.
• Choose a sunny location (6+ hours of sun) and dig a hole about two times as wide as your pot.
• Remove your plant from the pot by loosening the soil and tipping it out into your hand. Place your plant in the soil about as deep as it was in the pot.
• Refill the space around your plant with soil and press lightly to compact the dirt, keeping your plant firmly in the ground.
• Water immediately to settle the soil, and add more soil as needed, bringing it level to the rest of your garden.
Cabbage plants need up to 1.5 inches of water a week. Avoid planting any cabbage family crop, such as brussels sprouts, in the same spot each year.
Harvest cabbage heads when they have formed tight, firm heads. Cut the stem below the head but do not pull the remaining plant. Smaller heads often develop near the base of harvested heads.
Fresh, uncut heads of cabbage can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Cover loosely with a plastic bag or use perforated bags. Do not wash cabbage before storing; the extra moisture will hasten deterioration.
You can serve cabbage raw or cooked – it's great both ways! Try it steamed, boiled, stir-fried, sauted or baked. Shred cabbage for delicious cole slaw and sauerkraut.
Grown even in Roman times, the cabbage of today is more compact and tasty. It's a classic ingredient in many dishes such as sauerkraut, corned beef, and even cole slaw.