Patio herb planters
Tiffany Heater Account Manager | Burpee
Spring is in the air in New Jersey, and while the southern half of the country has been knee deep in the garden for several weeks now, we are just getting started in the Northeast. This past weekend we started cleaning out our garden beds – weeding, mulching and dreaming of what will go where when we’re finally past our frost date. My husband mentioned that he can’t wait to have fresh herbs out on the patio to toss in with dinner each night. I agreed and carried on with my weed pulling.

We headed out to our local garden center later that afternoon to pick up a replacement hose nozzle and I was surprised and delighted to find a few early herb options available! We picked up oregano, peppermint, dill, cilantro and lemon thyme. We decided to plant up a trio of pots we received as a gift this past Christmas.

Here are a few tips I thought of while putting together our containers:
1. Start with healthy plants! Buy plants that are insect and disease free.
2. Choose the right container. Make sure your pots have drainage holes at the bottom and the plants have room to grow. We opted to put three herbs in our large pot, and just one in each of the smaller pots.
3. Choose a good potting mix. I prefer organic without added fertilizer.
4. After planting, give your herb garden a good watering. Continue to water a couple times a week into the summer. It is good to let the soil dry out in between waterings. You don’t have to fertilize herbs often, maybe once or twice during the growing season.
5. Trim and enjoy your herbs on a regular basis. I think some of this oregano is heading into a pasta dish tonight!