A Closer Look: Take 2 tomato combos
Burpee Edible Gardening Team Members
Our new Take 2 Combos are ideal space savers when you want to grow fresh vegetables but prefer a smaller gardening footprint. Our product expert Scott Mozingo came up with this concept of growing two tomato plants in one pot – which sounds simple, but finding the right combos took some time! Here's his story:
"When I first started to create the Space Savers collection for Burpee, I set out on a mission. I wanted to find varieties that didn’t just produce fruit in containers. I wanted varieties that produced for a long time. My philosophy was, if we’re going to ask someone to commit to caring for this plant for three months or more, it better produce fruit for more than one or two weeks. I wanted not just a container garden, but a hard working container garden."
Often when tomato plants are placed too close together there’s competition for light, water, nutrition and root space. A generally “well behaved” tomato may all of a sudden grow to be a monster when “threatened”. On the other hand, having a duo container that ripens at the same time so you can enjoy both flavors takes a lot of tests and trials to pair just the right tomatoes together. Scott was basically a tomato match-maker! But through years of trial-and-error, Scott found several happy couples, and we’re launching three new Take 2 Combos this spring.
Growing a Take 2 Combo means you can enjoy big slicers and sweet cherry tomatoes all summer long – getting twice the flavor from half the space! The recipes below have been tested and proven to work by Scott and will grow and ripen well together in containers larger than 17 in. / 43 cm across and deep. Scott also recommends placing the containers in a location that gets at least six hours of sunlight. Put them where it’s easy to see when they need water. As the plants start to set fruit, you will find they need water every day!
Look for even more Take 2 Combos coming your way with more flavors and vegetables!
