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Jun 7, 2017
A Closer Look: SteakHouse Tomato
Burpee  Edible Gardening Team Members

Our new collection of Amazing Vegetables & Herbs is home to one of the world’s largest beefsteak tomatoes: SteakHouse. This one can tip the scales at over 3lbs. / 1360g and make YOU a blue-ribbon winner in your neighborhood. What we also love about SteakHouse is that it grows on a plant that produces high yields, so you aren’t just getting one large tomato, you’re getting several – and well into the late summer season.

SteakHouse is broad-shouldered and has a wonderful fragrance. (C’mon – you know you’ve taken big sniffs of your homegrown tomatoes before.) Its flavor is reminiscent of heirloom varieties, but it has the mass yield that sometimes heirlooms don’t provide. Burpee was so enamored of SteakHouse in our collection that it made the cover of our recent mail-order catalog.

What do your fellow gardeners say about SteakHouse? On our catalog website this tomato consistently gets a 5-star rating from gardeners all over the country who are impressed with its size, production and taste.

This gardener showed that SteakHouse slices are larger than the sandwich bread! (FarmerLujack in Richmond, Va.)

This happy SteakHouse gardener shows a cantaloupe and golf ball for scale. (Smacky in Tolland, Conn.)

One thing they all agree on: SteakHouse requires a strong cage for support. This indeterminate tomato will continue to grow and set fruit until the frost as the plant remains healthy. A sturdy support system for its loads of heavy fruit is a must. More on stakes & cages here. SteakHouse matures in 75-80 days, so get this one in the ground as soon as it’s safe to plant so that you can reap all the benefits of luscious tomatoes for fresh eating in the summer and beyond.

So if growing for ginormous is what you’re looking for, give our amazing SteakHouse a try.

Tags: size tomatoes
Reader Comments (1)
Steakhouse was the winner for largest beefsteak at my county fair!!!
Wednesday, June 7, 2017 | Tiffany
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