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Jun 8, 2017
Watering tips for beginners
Scott Mozingo  Product Manager, Burpee
When I worked for a garden center, my boss used to tell me all the time that my single most important job was watering. I used to fight that a little bit because I wanted to help customers and sell plants,....

Jun 1, 2017
Trellises, stakes and cages
Scott Mozingo  Product Manager, Burpee
Now and again we all need a little support and it’s no different for plants, particularly vegetable plants. One of my favorite cherry tomatoes for flavor and a huge harvest is Baby Boomer tomato,....

May 25, 2017
Garden shopping list
Scott Mozingo  Product Manager, Burpee
I’ve been interested in gardening for most of my life. So much so that when it came time to pick a major in college, horticulture felt like my calling. I spent four years in college learning how....

May 16, 2017
A Closer Look: Pesto Party Basil
Scott Mozingo  Product Manager, Burpee
As a product manager for the Burpee plant program, I try not to pick favorite plants because it’s kind of like picking your favorite pet or your favorite kid. All of our products are great for one....

Apr 27, 2017
Grow what you cook
Scott Mozingo  Product Manager, Burpee
Gardening is still a top hobby in North America and with good reason. It is relaxing to get outdoors and care for your plants and work the garden. It can also be rewarding to harvest your own vegetables....

Apr 24, 2017
Top 10 easy to grow vegetables for beginners
Scott Mozingo  Product Manager, Burpee
If the thought of growing your own food has always appealed to you, but seemed too daunting, don’t be nervous! There are a lot of vegetables that are super easy to grow, even if you think you do....

Feb 3, 2017
10 garden tips
Scott Mozingo  Product Manager, Burpee
1. Spend some time with your Burpee catalog! Nothing helps combat cabin fever like time spent daydreaming about the garden. Gardening catalogs provide all kinds of information and inspiration and with....

Feb 19, 2013
Give grafted tomatoes a try in 2013
Scott Mozingo  Product Manager, Burpee
I feel like I’m completely settled in for the winter – with a huge stack of gardening catalogs – trying to decide exactly what I want, what I need and what I absolutely can’t live....